Jennifer Webb

Jennifer Webb

I am a credentialing specialist and I started with the Board in 2019. I process the endorsement/universal recognition applications for individuals that are licensed in another state. You may not know, but Arizona is one of the the fastest growing states in the U.S. With technology it is easy to send messages, texts and emails and lose that human connection. Our board strives to keep that human element for our applicants, licensees and the public. I have heard countless times how they appreciate being able to talk with someone at the Board. When I first started there were a total of 13 staff. We are now at 20! The team environment helps me assist applicants/licensees with any questions they may have. Our Board is here to protect the public, so if you ever need to see a counselor, therapist or social worker, you might want to look up the licensee on our website to see if there are any actions on their license. This is something you can do for any regulated professional i.e.; Dr, optometrist, veterinarian or even massage therapist.