Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
Mission: To establish and maintain standards of qualifications and performance for licensed behavioral health professionals in the fields of counseling, marriage and family therapy, social work and addiction counseling and to regulate the practice of licensed behavioral health professionals for protection of the public.
Initial Licensing
Are you seeking licensure in Social Work, Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, or Addiction Counseling? The Board offers licenses in these four disciplines, as well as independent licensure and licensure by endorsement. Applicants for independent licensure must provide verification of their supervised experience and clinical supervision. Start your application and access the required forms by clicking "Apply for a license" below.
Board Meetings
Meeting agendas are available to the public in two locations: a physical copy posted in the public notices case on the first floor of the 1740 West Adams Building, Phoenix, AZ 85007, and a digital copy on the Board's website under "Board Meeting Schedule." The website is the primary source for agendas, as updates are posted more quickly online.
Searching for a Licensee?

Looking for a Behavioral Health professional? Search the Board's online directory.

Need to file a complaint?

To file a complaint against a licensed practitioner or applicant for licensure use the following portal.

Apply for Licensure

Please use the following portal to complete an application and submit supporting document.


What's New

Letter from Executive Director, Tobi Zavala

Click HERE to review a letter regarding important changes and reminders.  The letter was sent via email to Board licensees on September 24, 2021.

Latest News

What's New

Click HERE to review a letter regarding important changes and reminders.  The letter was sent via email to Board licensees on September 24, 2021.

What's New

Please review a February 2017 memo regarding clinical supervision.

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