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Information You Provide
AzBBHE does not provide any benefits or services to the public that require entry of personal information online, apart from an occasional and totally optional survey. Survey-related information will be treated in the same manner as any contact information you might otherwise volunteer (see “Contact Information” below for details).
Information Collected From Children
Though AzBBHE does not specifically request information from children, as a State agency we would comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (“COPPA”), requiring parental consent before we collected any personal information from an individual under the age of 13. The text of COPPA is available HERE.
Other External Links Disclaimer
AzBBHE web pages contain links to various other web sites operated by other government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses. When you link to another site, you are no longer on the AzBBHE site and this Privacy Statement will no longer apply. When you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that site. Links to web sites outside of State government are offered solely for your convenience. No State of Arizona agency is responsible for or has control over the policies or content of any third-party sites.
Neither the State of Arizona, nor any agency, officer, employee or contractor of the State of Arizona warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be inaccurate or outdated. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.
Privacy Policy Statement Is Subject To Change
This policy may be updated or revised from time to time, so please check back periodically in order to receive advance notice of any substantive changes to the manner in which the information you disclose on this web site may be collected, used or disseminated.
Contact Information
To offer comments about the AzBBHE web site, or about the information presented in this Privacy Policy, please contact:
Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
1740 West Adams Street, Suite 3600
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-1882
Fax: (602) 364-0890
If you choose to provide us with personal information – by filling out a form or survey with your personal information and submitting it to us from this website – we use that information to respond to your message and to help us get you the information you have requested or register your opinion. We only share the information you provide with another agency if your inquiry relates to that agency or as otherwise required by law. Moreover, we do not create an individual profile with the information you provide or give it to any private organizations. AzBBHE does not collect information for commercial marketing. Any comments collected are themselves subject to the protections of this privacy policy.