Addiction Counseling Supervision Requirements

Supervised Work Experience

    Definition: Gaining experience in addiction counseling (paid or voluntary) while learning and developing skills under the guidance of both a direct supervisor and a clinical supervisor.


  1. No less than 24 months
  2. 1600 hours of direct client contact involving the use of psychotherapy related to substance use disorder & addiction issues
  3. No more than 400 hours of psychoeducation


Clinical Supervision

    Definition: Supervision is the process of evaluating, guiding, and directing behavioral health services through face-to-face meetings, videoconferences, or telephone calls with a qualified individual. Its goal is to develop and enhance the licensee's knowledge, skills, and abilities for safe and competent practice.


  1. At least 50 hours supervised by: LIAC; or Independently licensed professional who: Provides evidence of knowledge and experience in substance use disorder treatment; and Approved by ARC or designee
  2. Supervisor may be exempt under R4-6-212.01
  3. Remaining hours by an individual qualified under R4-6-212(A)
  4. Individual clinical supervision: At least 25 hours
  5. Group of 2 supervisees: No more than 75 hours
  6. Group of 3-6 supervisees: No more than 50 hours


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